- All goods are accepted subject to the terms and conditions. In writing. made
available by our office branch.
- The consigner. Making a false direction with regard to the contents description
qualities of the goods being carried / transported, will be held liable for any
damage which the carrier may sustain as a result of such declaration or otherwise
volatile of any central / state government regulation enforced to time to time. The
carrier will not be liable in any manner if the goods are fond and contraband.
- The carrier does not guarantee about taken in transportation as wells time of
goods and has a right to deviate and charge the route of destination on account of
unavoidable circumstance and due to natural calamities etc. in the interest of the
consignor / consignee and the carrier.
- The carrier of his agent will not be liable for any loss or damage caused on
account of their. robbery high-jacking, pilferage of the goods during transit or
accident of the vehicle due to any reason including on account of natural calamities
as well as an account of unit national error of the staff / driver / labor / agent
of the company unless the goods are reassured under carrier’s risk to avoid
emergency of sue situation.
- Demurrage at re 0.03 per kg. per day shall be charged after 2 days of the arrival
of the goods at desalinating which the consignee would be liable to part at the time
of collection of the goods.
- It is the duty of the consignor / the consignee to make enquiry about arrive or
of transported materials in the destination and the carrier will not be responsible
for its intimation.
- All liquids oil glasses china wears , fruit , vegetable perishable item fragile
house hold fancy item and furniture goods shall be carried at “owner risk “ only
unless additional premium is paid to the carrier on the declared invoice value at
the time of booking covering comprehensive / all type of risk.
- In the event of any claim arising out of any issue / dispute the carrier
liability shall be restricted of rs 1 per kg of the declared weight irrespective of
the value described in the invoice ( additional premium for carrier risk ) covering
comprehensive / all types of risk is paid to the carrier by the consignor or the
consignee on the declared invoice value at the time of booking.
- Carrier does not under take the responsibility for re-booking of the goods
consignment goods consigned initially trough them to any other destination.
- The carrier company reserves the right to withhold delivery of the consignment
goods unless our outstanding dues are paid or if the party does not take the
delivery of the material against payment bills / outstanding freight bills.
- The transport company or the carrier shall have a lien right to return the goods
for unpaid / un-paid outstanding dues towards fright control ware housing charges ,
demurrage labor and / or any other charges both current and previous / arrears there
of in respect of any consignment of the part or associate or its subsidiary company
/ or it repressentives and / or consignment by handled by hand or deal with on the
instruction of the party, shall also have a general line for their previous unpaid /
outstanding dues ( as state above ) payable by the person mentioned as above. No
dues of the Transport Company or carrier shall be delay/ with hell, deducted or
adjusted or any claim or counter claim. No claim shall be , entertain unless they
dues, as fore maintains are paid or the transport company by the party, concerned
interest at the rate of24 % per annum will be payable for the due date. By the party
to the transport company. Due date would be the committed from the date of
submission of the Billy by the transport company to the party.
- No criminal case in maintainable against the transport company in case of
transporter exercising his lien on the goods for non- payment of any unpaid/
outstanding dues ( as describe in the above clauses/ referred above )
- The consignor hereby expressly declares that the above particulars furnished by
him or his agent are true and correct and no prohibited articles / contraband
materials has been included with the material entrusted for transportation and he is
fully aware of the terms & conditions of the carriers
- The party may prefer claim in the event of any loss or damage to its goods from
the insurance company but the consignor and the carrier hereby mutually aggress and
undertaken that the consignor / its agent shall marks issue any kind of authority to
the insurance company either authorizing them or to enable them subsequently to
re-claim such loss or damage from the carrier and to initiate recovery proceedings
against the carrier by any one either individually or jointly. All concerned /
effected connected parties agree to the special clause / understanding between the
carrier on first party and the consignor / its agent or second party not
withstanding to any other statutory provisions contained and recorded any were and
expressed if any of the clauses / acts / rules / regulation / statutory books in
- The consignor or its agent declares the he has read and understood the meaning
and implications of the fore said clauses and there after signed this special
contract from on its front portion.